Pros and Cons of Working From Home or Co-Working Spaces

The trend of remote working has been on the rise in recent years, with more and more people looking for ways to increase their flexibility in the workplace. For those working remotely, the decision of where to work becomes an important one. Should you set up a home office, or find a co-working space? To help you decide, here are the pros and cons of both options.

The American Opportunity Survey illuminates how many people are offered Remote Work, if it's effective, and how people feel about it. According to the 2021 State of Remote Work Report from Owl Labs, 2021 was the year that saw a dramatic shift towards remote work with 90% of 2,050 full-time employees reporting they had worked remotely at least once during 2020. Performance-based statistics also show that 94% of surveyed employers reported that company productivity had either stayed the same (67%) or increased (27%) since transitioning to remote work.

The pandemic has hastened a rise in telecommuting/remote work for knowledge-based organizations which can save companies on real estate costs while allowing employees greater flexibility and autonomy over their schedules. This shift has been met with positive attitudes from employers as 83% report they plan to allow some form of permanent remote work post pandemic while 30% of employed Americans would prefer full time telecommuting/remote positions according to June 2021 SHRM survey results.

When deciding between setting up a home office or finding a co-working space there are pros and cons associated with each option which should be considered before making your decision. To help you decide between these two options we have outlined some key points below so you can make an informed choice about where best suits your needs when working remotely.

The Pros of Working From Home

Working from home has many advantages, one of the most notable being cost. You don't have to worry about paying rent or other fees, and you can often use your existing furniture and equipment. This makes it much cheaper than Renting a co-working space. Additionally, working from home gives you more control over your schedule. You can work when you are feeling productive and take breaks when you need a break. Comfort is also an advantage of working from home; there's no hustle and bustle of a co-working space or the distractions of an open-plan office. You can also take advantage of creature comforts like your own bed, sofa, or favorite snacks.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to working from home that should be considered before making this decision such as distractions, lack of work-life separation and loneliness due to isolation. Renting an office is expensive as well; renters have to furnish the rooms, purchase office equipment, pay for utilities and potentially cover additional costs such as internet access or phone lines which adds up quickly over time.

Co-working spaces offer flexibility in terms of signing long term leases but come with extra expenses such as desk rental fees which may not be suitable for startups with small bootstrap budgets who are looking for more affordable options without sacrificing quality workspace environment . Many coworking spaces offer competitive rates that include amenities like high speed internet access , conference rooms , kitchen facilities , printing services etc., making them attractive alternatives for those who want to save money while still having access to all these features .

In conclusion , both working from home and coworking spaces have their pros and cons depending on individual needs . It's important to weigh all factors carefully before deciding which option is best suited for your particular situation .

The Cons of Working From Home

Working from home can be a great way to increase productivity and save money, but it also has its drawbacks. One of the main issues is that there are more potential distractions at home than in an office environment. Family members, pets, the television, and household chores can all take away from your focus and make it difficult to stay productive. Additionally, working from home can be isolating as you don’t have regular contact with colleagues which can lead to feeling disconnected from your work. Setting up a home office may also require investing in furniture, equipment, and technology which adds to the cost of working remotely.

To reduce these distractions and maintain productivity while working remotely it is important to set clear boundaries on when you will work and when you will focus on other aspects of life. According to a survey conducted by Owl Labs 53.1% of respondents believed that working remotely had made it more difficult for them to separate work life from their personal lives. Despite these cons there are still many benefits associated with remote work such as increased independence, less expenses related to commuting or buying lunch every day as well as improved technical skills due to having access to new tools or software programs that may not be available in an office setting. Improved communication skills are also gained through remote work since most communication is done via email or video conferencing rather than face-to-face interactions which helps build strong relationships with colleagues even if they’re not physically present in the same space together.

Overall while there are some drawbacks associated with remote work such as potential distractions or isolation if managed properly it can benefit everyone involved: yourself, your household members and your organization by keeping everyone safe, well motivated and productive during this time period where many people have been forced into remote positions due largely in part by the pandemic we’re currently facing worldwide.

The Pros of a Co-Working Space

Coworking Spaces provide a great opportunity for entrepreneurs and small businesses to network, collaborate, and stay motivated. Being surrounded by other professionals can help you learn new skills and open up new opportunities. Many co-working spaces offer a wide range of amenities such as comfortable furniture, fast internet, coffee, and snacks to make working more enjoyable. Coworkers report that the energy in their shared workspace community increases their productivity. Networking in a co-working space also provides diversity with web designers, accountants, consultants all sharing the same space. Open coworking spaces are an ideal solution for online small businesses without much in-person interaction as it unlocks fresh sources of leads through networking. It is also an affordable option for entrepreneurs who don't have enough money to invest in their own office space or big businesses downsizing to cut costs. Co-working Spaces provide connections, solutions, energy/motivation and social support which can be beneficial for founders minorities women non-market logic foreign startups etc.

The Cons of a Co-Working Space

One of the main drawbacks of a co-working space is the cost. Renting a co-working space can be expensive, and you may have to pay for additional amenities or services. While it can be more affordable than leasing dedicated office space, not everyone can afford to rent an office space. And renting means you've got to provide the furniture and amenities and pay for things like internet access, utilities, cleaning services, etc.

Another con of working in a co-working environment is that it can be distracting. With so many people in one place, it can be difficult to focus and stay on task. These types of work spaces are often lively and energized, but that also means that they can be noisy and distracting when you need to concentrate on your work. Additionally, most coworking spaces give you lots of extra value with your membership but there are some that expect you to pay extra for meeting room access or other features like printing facilities or even coffee machines which could add up over time if used frequently enough.

Finally, working in a shared space also comes with its own set of privacy issues as well as potential security risks since there will always be people coming in and out throughout the day who may not have been properly vetted by the facility's management team before being allowed access into the building itself. This lack of privacy could make it difficult for those who need complete silence while they work or those who handle sensitive information regularly as part of their job duties since any conversations held within these areas could potentially become overheard by others nearby at any given time without warning making them vulnerable to potential data breaches or other security threats from outside sources if proper precautions aren't taken beforehand by all parties involved when using these types of facilities regularly over extended periods of time


In conclusion, the decision of whether to work from home or in a co-working space is a personal one that depends on your individual needs and preferences. Working from home can be cost-effective and flexible, but it can also be isolating and distracting. Co-working spaces offer networking opportunities, but they can also be expensive and distracting. Consider the pros and cons of each before making a decision, so you can choose the option that works best for you. Working remotely provides autonomy and independence in your job while coworking spaces provide flexibility as well as camaraderie with other professionals. Ultimately, it's important to weigh all factors before deciding which option is right for you.